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Hiring Does Not Need to Be Scary - Part 2

November 09, 20211 min read

Hiring Talent is not SCARY – Part 2: Sourcing & Screening

Sourcing and Screening are proactive activities. Go out and find the people you need.

“Post and Pray” is not an effective strategy, posting your position and then praying people respond. This process is both random and long, with an average length of 8 weeks for a search.

Go out and HUNT.

Clarify the main skills required for the job, the attributes, and characteristics of a good cultural fit in a candidate. Then target the market – including Company Alumni – with the best chance of attraction to our offer and success in the role.

This targeting minimizes the amount of time and attrition of the candidate pool. More candidates get through because of the concentrated efforts up front.

Consider diverse talent pools. These markets produce driven, energetic talent, more attracted to our Message.

Face-to-face interviewReviewing resumesInterview notesShortening interview cycle
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Heyer Expectations - Pofessionals in hiring

6908 Edgewood Ranch Ct,

Highlands Ranch, CO 80130


Our mission is to raise the bar of your hiring process.

We help companies who seek to hire experts in Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science deal with hiring challenges from limited recruiting resources with a proven process specializing in AI/ML software technologies, so unlike vendors that are NOT Experts in AI/ML recruitment, they don’t deal with wasted time and money and can expedite their technology staffing process.

We are the experts in finding geniuses of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

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